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Models and visuals by Sunn-Starr Architectural, Inc.

Images courtesy of:  C. R. - Santa Paula, California

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A few months before the 2008 Financial Meltdown, plans for a second story addition to this beautiful home seemed promising.

Part of the process of designing an addition for a family's primary home often involves understanding the conditions required for the client to make this happen.  Timing is everything and some things just cannot be anticipated. Even the most experienced clients, builders and Architects can still be surprised by unforeseen events.


Sometimes plans may have to be put off for months or years from the original goals and aspirations established by the client.

When the design-build process has to be stopped in midstream, it is important to document the progress made and to protect the client's investment.  By posting this project on the Internet, these images can be accessed from anywhere at any time to keep the dream alive.  When the project resumes, we will post that here as well.


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Copyright © Sunn-Starr Architectural, Inc. Lookinglass Systems Division ® 1984